Sport Excellence Reconversion is an online school founded by Laura Flessel and Richard Hullin. The school is dedicated to the career transition of elite athletes, whether they are still active or retired. It offers personalized support to all athletes, regardless of their academic level and at any stage of their career.
What is Sport Excellence Reconversion?
Online Training for Everyone
Online courses accessible to all, even without a high school diploma, with training focused on passionate careers that are in high demand.
Personalized Coaching
A unique module called "Transition Passport," offering personalized coaching and a direct, practical approach to the business world.
Partner Companies
A network of partner companies that connects each athlete to concrete professional opportunities right from the start of their program.
Why a Partnership?
At Sportiw, we understand the challenges athletes face when transitioning to professional life. That’s why we are proud to announce our partnership with Sport Excellence Reconversion.
This partnership is particularly important to Sportiw, aligning with our overarching goal of supporting all sports stakeholders at every stage of their journey. By collaborating with Sport Excellence Reconversion, we reinforce our commitment to providing comprehensive support to athletes, whether they are active or transitioning.