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Lucas Guirao- A new challenge!

Hi Lucas, can you introduce yourself?

I am 26 years old, soon to be 27, and I have been playing basketball since I was very young, since I was 4 years old. I have been in several clubs since then. I trained in Montélimar, where I grew up, until high school. After that, I went to Vichy for a year for both studies and basketball. I stopped studying, so I moved elsewhere and reoriented myself for the first time. I went to Marseille, where I did a bit of everything: I played in the U20 team, R2, up to N2, and pre-national leagues. I also completed my STAPS degree there at the same time. Then I spent a year in Sanary-sur-Mer, just nearby, in the pre-national league, and we moved up to N3 before I spent 3 years in Rodez. This year, I arrived in Pornic to play in N2.

Where does your passion for basketball come from? 

Did a particular athlete inspire you? It comes from my parents; both were players. I never saw my mother play because she didn’t return to playing after having me, as she was expecting my brother and sister afterward. I have memories from when I was very little of going to see my father’s games, etc. I think that by following him to the gyms, even though he stopped not long after, my passion probably comes from there. And then I continued all the way and never stopped.

You currently play for Pornic Basket Saint Michel. What attracted you to this club, and how would you describe your experience there? 

First of all, the city and the quality of life here are great. I had never been this far north before. I’ve always wanted to play on the west coast, anywhere from north to south. I always wanted to be near the ocean. So all of that made it the ideal place. And besides, we’re having a great season. So it was the right choice, I think. I also joined Pornic because it is a club that has been established in N2 for about fifteen years, which was very important to me!

Can you tell us about this season with the team?

 You had a very successful season despite a largely renewed roster. How do you explain this performance? The coach did an amazing job. Honestly, from day one, even before the first day, he built the team really well. Clearly, renewing so many players is complicated. But he brought in and formed a great group, both athletically and personally. And that’s what led to our results. Everyone was on the same page from day one. The team was full of great guys. There were no cliques in the locker room. Everyone was very united from the beginning, starting from the preparation, and it stayed that way throughout the year. The coach did a great job in that regard. And that’s what allowed us to achieve this level.

What was your role in the team exactly?

 I played as a power forward (position 4), with varying playing time depending on the games, sometimes as a starter. And honestly, it was a great season. I’m happy with how it went. Of course, you always want to play more, but it was still a good season.

Recently, you revealed to us that you have a heart condition that could end your career. Can you tell us more about this diagnosis and how you’ve coped with it? 

Yes, indeed, I have Marfan syndrome. It’s a fairly rare genetic syndrome that affects about one in 5,000 people, if I’m not mistaken. So it’s quite rare. It affects various tissues, depending on the person. In my case, it affects my aorta, which is dilated. So I can’t continue competitive sports because I risk an aortic aneurysm rupture. So, these are things you can’t take lightly. It’s difficult to manage, especially since it’s very recent for me.

How has this news affected your daily life and preparation for matches? Have you had to adapt your training or lifestyle accordingly?

No, not particularly. Because I was never alerted about it, let’s say, in the sense that I don’t feel anything at all. I have no symptoms that I can feel or anything like that. It was just during a routine check-up in January that I was told I might have to stop playing basketball. So, it happened gradually. I had to stop weightlifting because it was even more dangerous than basketball, which is already quite risky at that level. Apart from stopping that in training, I can’t really be more careful, let’s say, because I don’t feel anything, I have no symptoms. So, I didn’t feel anything. And it’s only now, since the end of the season, that I was told I really need to stop completely. But no particular adaptations, except for being careful not to take any hits, but that’s complicated. I shouldn’t take a heavy blow to the chest, but you can’t really anticipate that. So, on my part, no real adaptation at that level.

What advice would you give to other athletes facing similar health and career challenges?

 Honestly, it’s hard to give advice; it’s still very recent for me. I’m still in shock from the news, so it’s difficult to give advice. But I think only time can really help. You can’t joke around with this; it’s not worth risking your life on the court. We saw it with Ludovic Vaty at the beginning of the season. It affected me even more because he was already in our pool. And getting this diagnosis during the year touched me even more. But he’s an example of why you shouldn’t push against this kind of thing. It’s not worth it. His tragic death, as sad as it is, can help raise awareness about players’ health. It helped me because it’s hard to stop everything. Knowing he was in my pool, and knowing several players from Toulouse who played with him, brings things into perspective. You can’t mess around with this.

Have you started thinking about what you’ll do if you have to stop playing basketball? 

What are your future plans? I don’t have any coaching diplomas. It’s not something that particularly attracted me. I liked it, but not enough to pursue it. It’s not something that tempts me much right now. Maybe I’ll come back to it later, probably. One day, I’ll miss it, and I’ll have to get back into it. I don’t know exactly yet. The degree I have is in sports, which isn’t compatible with my situation. I’m planning to reorient myself again, possibly into real estate. Maybe I’ll go back to school for a real estate diploma if I can enroll in time for a BTS in alternance. I’m glad to have finished a good season; that’s something positive!

How did you hear about Sportiw, and what was your initial reaction when the concept was explained to you?

 I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was on social media. I’ve been registered for a while, pretty much from the beginning. The platform has helped me a lot. For the past two years, I’ve been taking the premium option in the summers, and it gives me much more visibility, lots of contacts. The site gathers all the information, and it gives you a very complete CV, allowing everyone to access your CV, videos, statistics. It’s really practical!

Have you had any contacts with clubs or coaches through Sportiw?

Every year, I have contacts. I’ve had more since I started using the premium option, but I’ve always had some. Whether they lead to something concrete varies. But yes, I’ve had many contacts with different clubs and at different levels thanks to Sportiw.

Thank you so much Lucas, what can we wish for in the future ? 

To find something that motivates me as much as basketball. It’s hard to talk about it in the past tense. Something new that gives me the drive to get up in the morning like basketball did.

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