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Mladen Matanovic: “Everything went very quickly thanks to Sportiw!”

Mladen Matanovic, Montenegrin forward, joined last summer a French club. In an exclusive interview, he tells us how Sportiw allowed him to get in touch with the French club, and sign there…

Mladen Matanovic

How did you discover Sportiw?

I was looking for a new club because in Montenegro there are very few opportunities. I did my research on Instagram and by chance came across an offer from Sportiw! Then I clicked on the link and signed up so I could create an account and complete it!

Tell us how you could be spotted by the French club on Sportiw?

Indeed, I was contacted rather quickly by the French club of “Elan Tursan”. They were looking for a player with my profile. They spotted me on Sportiw, then they examined my profile and viewed my videos. We then exchanged via the internal messaging system to discuss the terms and the contract. Everything went very fast, it’s pretty crazy, because a few days later, at the beginning of October, I signed there!

Mladen Matanovic basketball elan tursan sportiw
Mladen Matanovic elan tursan
Mladen Matanovic elan tursan

What did the Premium bring to you when you were looking for a club?

It turns out that I had indeed taken a Premium account for 3 months, and I do not regret it! When you’re Premium on Sportiw, your chances to get spotted and seen by recruiters are multiplied by ten! If I hadn’t been Premium, I wouldn’t have had so much visibility, and Elan Tursan might not have spotted me…

Do you have any advice for other players regarding their use of the platform?

I will tell them that it is important to update their profile on Sportiw very regularly! If I hadn’t done it, I would never have been so visible. It is important to update your informations every week or two. That’s what I did, indicating that I was available but also my projects, my videos, etc…

"Now with the Sportiw's wall, recruiters can see every time we post something. It gets their attention even more!"

If you had to describe Sportiw in a few words...

Awesome! I am very grateful to Sportiw for giving me the opportunity to find a club and I hope the community will continue to grow and create great stories like mine!

Thanks to Mladen for his time and his interesting answers about his use of the platform! If like him, you want to find a basketball club, register now on Sportiw! And if you already have, come and update your profile!

Find other interviews related to the world of basketball on our blog!

2 thoughts on “Mladen Matanovic: “Everything went very quickly thanks to Sportiw!””

    1. Salut Naël, je t’invite à te créer un compte sur Il te suffit de remplir tes informations et completer ton CV pour accéder a des offres de basketball partout dans le monde. N’hésite pas à contacter notre équipe sur nos réseaux sociaux pour toutes questions.

      Maxime de Sportiw,

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