You have created an account on Sportiw, congrats!
Now, it is important to complete your profile in order to be spotted by coaches and clubs.
We have broken down each block of the profile for you and we will explain how to complete them properly!
You can also check out the ‘Sample Player’ profile for inspiration:

Click on the “Edit” button and then choose your photo on your device.
Choose a “sporty” image: in a game situation, in a jersey, etc.
The editor allows you to crop the image.

This section contains essential information, so it is imperative to complete it correctly:
Gender – Date of birth
Height: you can enter your height in cm or inches
Nationalities: add all your nationalities (if you have more than one)
Main position/Other position: choose well your playing positions, because it is a very important search criteria for coaches!
Status: this is your qualification status: JFL French, Bosman , Cotonou etc… You can also specify here if you are Non-Mutated or other status. This field is free to let you put down what you think is important.

Disponibility per season : Choose for the current and (if it’s allowed) next season the statement that best suits your current situation.
ATTENTION : if you are available, remember to update this info every 15 to 30 days, if not you will no longer appear to coaches looking for available players.

If you have one (or more) agent(s), you can select him/her (them) from this list. This list is composed only of FFBB or FIBA licensed agents.
You can’t find your agent ❓ Contact us via email or on our social networks, so we can add him/her.

Wanted project: You can tel what kind of project are you interested in : 100% Sport, Job + Sport, etc. Some clubs may offer jobs or educational opportunities in addition to basketball. If you are interested in this kind of project, check it!
Desired monthly income: Sportiw is aimed at players of all levels, so specify the remuneration you expect from basketball. You can choose a maximum of 2 consecutive ranges.
⚠ WARNING : Clubs will use this filter to remove profiles, so be realistic to avoid the risk of not appearing in searches for clubs that match you.
Example : if you are a semi-pro player, don’t put a salary of €5,000 per month, as semi-pro clubs will exclude players from this range.
Priority divisions : Choose your priority championships according to your level!
Priority geographical area : Choose the priority geographical areas in which you could play. You can choose countries, continents, regions, etc.
Project details : Here you can describe your project in your own words!
At the moment Sportiw only accepts YouTube videos.

Write a title, add the link and you’re done! If you add several videos, you will have the possibility to organize them in the order you want.
🚩 NOTE : We advise you to put a highlight (short video with cut actions) but also 2-3 full games of the season. This is what is often requested by coaches. For full games, remember to specify your jersey number and colour.
To help you : here is a 5 pour réussir son highlight ✅ & here a tutorial to teach you how to create your highlight easily and for free! 💪
If you don’t have video of your games, put training sessions or a video presentation.

In this section, you have to introduce yourself, it’s a bit like your “cover letter”. Say everything you can’t see through the stats: your assets, your attitude, your ambition etc…

Ask for recommendations!
This will give your resume more weight, especially if it comes from coaches or teammates known by the clubs that will look at your profile.
Remember to create a block for each season of your career! (the last 3 seasons at least)

Season: choose the season
Club : write down the name of the club
Country & City : you can specify the city
League : use the drop-down list to choose the league as much as possible, as this will allow scouts to identify you by your background. If the league is not listed, enter it manually in the designated area.
Statistiques : write down all the stats that you know (these are averages for the season). Be careful, don’t write anything down! The coaches will check this information and therefore you will be badly seen and probably not selected!
Coach : Specify the name of your coach(es) so that recruiters can contact them if they need more information.
Comment : add a text about this experience. Explain in your own words how the season went, the highlights, etc…

NOTE : after adding the experience, you will be able to add links to web pages of stats, press articles etc. related to this experience.

In this section, you can write down all the elements that you think are important to add to your career: winning a tournament, a title, a cup, a national or regional team selection, participation in a camp, detection, etc… anything that can complement your experience.
Also, you can add individual awards, for example, if you were “best scorer”, “3rd rebounder”, “5th setter”, etc…
You can order them in chronological order or choose the order manually.

Complete here the missing sportive information: strong hand, weight, wingspan, etc…

If you think it is relevant to your promotion, you can add personal informations, such as family situation,spoken languages, driving licence, etc… They are not mandatory.
You can also visit the ‘Sample Player’ profile for inspiration:

Go on “my personal data” on the left menu
& add in “contact” your contact details so that coaches – clubs – agents can reach you.

If you have any questions, or need help, don’t hesitate to contact us on social networks, by phone, or by email!
Email :
Facebook :
Instagram :
Téléphone : +33603651177
Hi!! My name is Hamza Guindo I live in Mali of Africa,and I like to integrate one club of basketball 🏀.
My best wishes for you.
Hello Hamza, 👋
What I invite you to do is create your profile on ! You’ll have to fill in your informations and put your highlights videos about your career and you’ll have access to basketball offers all around the world! 🏀
Don’t hesitate to contact our team on the social networks if you have any questions, we will be there to support you!😉
Maxime from Sportiw
J’aime beaucoup c’est ma passion je me sens bien quand je le pratique
Hello!!! My name is alvin muloko i leave DR CONGO i have 14years old with 6’6 . I need an opportunity to play and continue school. And i know one Day my Dreams i Will become the true ! !!
#no excuses
Hello, 👋
What I invite you to do is create your profile on ! You’ll have to fill in your informations and put your highlights videos about your career and you’ll have access to basketball offers all around the world! 🏀
Don’t hesitate to contact our team on the social networks if you have any questions, we will be there to support you!😉
Maxime from Sportiw
Hello i’m Adel Dautovic from Serbia. I wanna i wanna play overseas basketball. I’m from Serbia and born in 7.7.2008. I’m 6’0 tall and play small forward.
You can use Sportiw as a tool to promote yourself and highlight your profile!
Sign up on, create and fill out your resume, and don’t hesitate to contact our teams on Instagram, or Facebook if you have any questions! 😊
Is there anyway I can post my videos since I don’t have a YouTube channel?
For the moment Sportiw only allows you to upload videos that you have on your Youtube channel. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Guys I’m from Kenya reach me out on Instagram @____c.o.k.y if you have any basketball opportunity and connection for a gurad or forward. Thanyou
You can use Sportiw as a tool to promote yourself and highlight your profile!
Sign up on, create and fill out your resume, and don’t hesitate to contact our teams on Instagram, or Facebook if you have any questions! 😊
Hi I’m Joseph mukora from Kenya
I’m 5″ 11n play point guard
I would really like the chance to play overseas basketball 🏀
You can use Sportiw as a tool to promote yourself and highlight your profile!
Sign up on, create and fill out your resume, and don’t hesitate to contact our teams on Instagram, or Facebook if you have any questions! 😊
Hi i’m Mliwa
I’m a potential centre and also a good forward was juss wishing to have a chance to show the world my potential and heights I’d achieve if i had a good team to play for . I’m 6.3 feet tall, have me on your team and watch us rewrite history…..
You can use Sportiw as a tool to promote yourself and highlight your profile!
Sign up on, create and fill out your resume, and don’t hesitate to contact our teams on Instagram, or Facebook if you have any questions! 😊
Hello I’m Martin from kenya i was asking if i can get oppotunity to play in Erope and schooling,i play basketball am a center.
You can use Sportiw as a tool to promote yourself and highlight your profile!
Sign up on, create and fill out your resume, and don’t hesitate to contact our teams on Instagram, or Facebook if you have any questions! 😊
Perfect from the start till the end it all goes well,I mean the explanation
Am ezékiel wanjare from Kenya am 19years old am 5feet 11inches,have got passion with basketball position i play Forward and can also play,Power Forward and Centre,All am asking is a chance to show my potential and willingness,to whatever team in any Division will be picked,Promise to fulfill together all the dreams and goals of the Club,
I appreciate for your time and chance for passing by my details,
Hi I’m johnelmo from Philippines please give me a chance to show my skilled of basketball
Hello Johnelmo 👋
What I invite you to do is create your profile on ! You’ll have to fill in your informations and put your highlights videos about your career and you’ll have access to basketball offers all around the world! 🏀
Don’t hesitate to contact our team on the social networks if you have any questions, we will be there to support you!😉
Maxime from Sportiw
hey I’m winter Sabino I’m 18 years old I’m a female from Cape town in South Africa I love basketball so much I’ve always dreamt of playing basketball it’s fun and I take it very seriously I would like to be part of the team I know I won’t let you down you can reach out to me on my email address or on Instagram @imwintersabino
Hi Sabino, if you want to join a basketball club, register on and fill out your CV. Afterwards, you can apply for club offers that interest you or be approached by recruiters and potentially join a club 🙂
Hello, my name is Geramiel André I’m 23 years old, Angolan nationality, I’ve been playing basketball since I was 12 years old and I’d like to get a professional opportunity, I play for a local team
Hello Geramiel,
If you are looking for new opportunities, create a profile on You will be able to access many offers from basketball clubs. Additionally, if you want to be seen by recruiters, make sure to fill out your profile and update your availability.