Today, we want to share with the basketball community some of the results of our study, conducted in early December 2021.
We have recently joined the Spanish market. Our goal is to be THE professional social network that accompanies athletes throughout their career.
We currently excel in facilitating the detection, selection and recruitment of basketball players in Europe and all around the world.
We allow players to share with clubs and agents their complete sports CV and information about their current and future availability.
Conscious of our role in the amateur and professional sports sector, we regularly carry out studies on sports activities at a national and an international level.
Perception of the winter market in Spain
The dates of recruitment of players vary from one country to another.
One of the specificities of the Spanish market is the activity of its winter market. That’s why we thought it would be interesting to study and share the feelings of the players of the EBA, LEB Silver and LEB Gold leagues at the end of the year 2021.
This is a very interesting fact at the European level, as many federations allow recruiting players for almost the whole season.
Study result:
Between 42% and 50% of players, depending on the league, are interested in club offers during the winter market.
At the question, “Do you plan to use the winter market to look for a new club? “, the most interested in the 2021/22 winter mercato are LEB Gold players (50%), followed by LEB Silver players (47%).
The most “loyal” are the players of the EBA League where “only” 42% are interested in receiving offers, and most of them share in a very positive way their belonging to their club and the wish to finish the season with their current team.

- % “YES ” = 36,36%
- % “PERHAPS” = 13,63%
- % “NO” = 50%
LEB Plata

- % “YES ” = 31.25%
- % “PERHAPS” = 15.63%
- % “NO” = 53,12%
Ligue EBA

- % “YES ” = 25,29%
- % “PERHAPS” = 17,06%
- % “NO” = 57,65%
The survey was conducted by direct contact with players between December 1 and 20 in 2021.
We interviewed more than 1000 basketball players from the EBA, LEB ORO and LEB PLATA leagues, regardless of their presence on the platform.