Blog de Sportiw

How do I apply for an offer on Sportiw?

To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to know how to apply for an offer as a player on Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Create Your Sportiw Account

The first step to applying as a player on Sportiw is to create your account. Go to the Sportiw website and sign up by providing the necessary information. Make sure to fill in all the required fields to create a complete and attractive profile!

2. Complete Your Profile

Once registered, it is crucial to complete your profile with as many details as possible. Here is the minimum to fill out if you want to get noticed:

  • Personal Information: Name, age, nationality, etc.
  • Game Statistics: Points, rebounds, assists, etc.
  • Highlight Videos: Upload videos showcasing your best performances.
  • Previous Experiences: Previous clubs, leagues you have played in, etc.
  • Specific Skills: Highlight your skills and strengths.

If you need more information on how to fill out your CV: How to properly complete your player resume? – Blog de Sportiw

3. Choose the Premium Option

Opting for the Premium option can greatly increase your chances of success. Here are some advantages of the Premium option:

  • Maximum Visibility: Your profile will be visible to all Sportiw users, including coaches, recruiters, and clubs.
  • Preferential Positioning: You will appear first in searches conducted by coaches.
  • Direct Promotion: The list of Premium players is emailed to several hundred clubs every 15 days.
  • Full Access to Listings: You will be able to see all the offers posted on the platform, including those reserved for Premium users.

4. Search and Apply for Offers

With your complete and optimized profile, start searching for offers that match your skills and aspirations. Here’s how to proceed:

Use the Search Filters: Sportiw offers various filters to refine your results. You can filter offers by position, skill level, geographical location, etc. This will help you find the most relevant opportunities.

Analyze the Offers: Carefully read the descriptions of each listing. Check the specific requirements, sought-after skills, and conditions of the offer. You can directly see if you match an offer or not (only when your CV is well filled out).

Prepare Your Application: Ensure your profile is up to date and all relevant information is well presented. Write a personalized motivation text for each offer, highlighting your skills and experience relevant to the listing.

Apply Directly via the Platform: Follow the specific instructions for each listing to submit your application.

5. Engage and Stay Active

Finally, stay active on the platform by regularly updating your profile with new statistics, videos, and experiences. Engage with coaches and recruiters by responding quickly to their messages!

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